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Become an ambassador of kindness

Become an ambassador of kindness

How can I make A difference?

As an Ambassador, you sponsor tickets to the new movie,
Mother Teresa & Me
, in theaters October 5, 2023. Your sponsorship can be a donation if you desire a tax deduction.

ALL PROFITS from your ticket purchase go directly to serving the “poorest of the poor”.

The tickets you purchase are given to family, friends, colleagues, or customers and/or to non- profits of your choosing – or you can leave it up to us to distribute them. Our Ambassador team does all the work for you.

  • Your gift helps spread Mother Teresa’s message of LOVE IN ACTION.

  • You help change hearts and create a more compassionate world.

  • All profits (100%) from the movie go to serving the poorest of the poor in the spirit of Mother Teresa.

  • In these times of WAR, you are helping spread a message of peace.

  • Your gift allows movie tickets to be distributed to non-profit organizations and the people they serve.

Sponsor Tickets and Support Charity

We’re asking generous sponsors and donors to become “Ambassadors of Kindness” by purchasing tickets to the Mother Teresa & Me movie. 
(Oct 5, 2023). You can purchase for your own group or sponsor tickets (and receive a tax deduction) for other groups and nonprofits.

All profits go to charities, particularly the Zariya Foundation, which was established to support Mother Teresa’s work with the “poorest of the poor” worldwide.

How Does it Work?

As an Ambassador, you sponsor tickets to the new movie Mother Teresa & Me in theatres on October 5, 2023. Your sponsorship (or donation if you desire a tax deduction) purchases tickets to be given to family, friends, colleagues, or customers and non-profits of your choosing – or you can leave it up to us to distribute them.

What’s the Cost?

Ambassadors sponsor $5,000 to $100,000 in tickets. A tax-deduction is available, if desired. We are particularly seeking “Gold” and “PlatinumAmbassadors to serve as “anchors” in cities nationwide.

  • Bronze Ambassador: $5,000 (one screen – apprx. 400 seats)
  • Silver Ambassador: $10,000 (four screens – apprx. 800 seats)
  • Gold Ambassador: $25,000 (an entire theater take-over, apprx. 2,000 seats)
  • Platinum Ambassador: $100,000 (four theater take-overs, all screens, apprx. 8,000 seats)

Frequently asked questions

Why should I become an Ambassador?

By serving as an Ambassador of Mother Teresa & Me, you are sharing the powerful message of faith, hope, love, and kindness in the movie, supporting charity work, and building your and your organization’s goodwill in the community.

How does my sponsorship support charity work?

The tickets you sponsor are donated to charities, and all profits go to charities, especially the Zariya Foundation, which was established to support Mother Teresa’s work worldwide with the “poorest of the poor”.

Will Mother Teresa & Me be showing near me?
Mother Teresa & Me is opening in theaters nationwide, so it will likely be at a theater near you.
How many tickets do I get for my Ambassador sponsorship?
Generally, $5,000 for 400 tickets, $10,000 for 800 tickets, $25,000 for 2,000 tickets, $100,000 for 8,000 tickets.
Will I be sponsoring a whole movie theater or just one showing of the film?
Each $5,000 Buy Out is ONE SHOWING of the film, in ONE AUDITORIUM (about 400 seats) within a theater. For example, if your multiplex theater has 10 auditoriums, you are buying out one showing in one auditorium in that theater (i.e., the 7:00 pm showing on Thursday night). The $25,000 Gold level can also trigger a “Theater Take-Over” which is designed to fill ALL the seats in an entire theater (all screens). Your dollars will buy as many tickets as can be bought for that amount of money from the theater that you choose.
What day will it be?
Tuesday, October 5, 2023. The movie may play on other dates as well.
How and when do I get the tickets?
You and/or your guests will receive your tickets via email, mail, or at your local theater’s box office (will call), based on your theater’s capabilities. Or you can donate all your tickets to a non-profit of your choice, or leave it up to us.
Once I’ve signed up, how will I fill the seats?
Our Ambassador concierge will work with you to identify the recipients of your tickets, including staff, family, friends, co-workers, and your local churches, schools, and other non-profits. You can also opt to have us fill your seats with other worthy guests, like underprivileged kids, military families, non-profit workers and volunteers, and others.
Is my Ambassador sponsorship tax deductible?
Yes, it should be, but you should always consult your tax professional. Some sponsors can donate through their local church, school or non-profit, whereby they donate the money to them, and they buy the tickets. Or we can arrange your sponsorship to go to a non-profit organization we’ve set up. The Ambassador Concierge will provide more info.